Celebrity couple Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja are currently on cloud nine as they recently welcomed their firstborn. Sonam Kapoor was admitted to the Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai where she gave birth to a baby boy on 20 August 2022. Six days later, the couple brought their baby boy to Anil Kapoor’s residence.
Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja were recently spotted at Anil Kapoor’s residence in Mumbai as they brought their baby boy home. Sonam Kapoor was seen wearing a white kurta, while Anand Ahuja donned a white t-shirt and black pants. As the couple entered the house, they were welcomed with a pooja ceremony. A video of Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja taking their baby boy inside their home was recently shared by paparazzi Varinder Chawla. During the pooja, Sonam Kapoor smiled and waved at the media outside the house. Watch the clip here.