Renewal of Fitness Certificate


Q. What are the documents required for renewal fitness of Commercial vehicle ?

Ans. Document required for renewal of COF

  1. Registration certificate
  2. Old C.O.F.
  3. Road tax clearance from account branch upto date
  4. Prescribed Fees
  5. In case of fitness certificate expires Rs.20/- is charged as penalty per day.
  6. Challan clearance from Transport Deptt. upto date
  7. Address proof of the owner
  8. Valid Permit
  9. For CNG vehicles Third Party Inspection Report for Compliance of CNG Safety Norms
Where to approachInspection Unit Burari, Delhi-110081
When to approachIn summer 7.30 AM to 11.30 AM
In Winter 8.30 AM to 12.30 PM


Q. What are the documents required for renewal fitness of Private vehicle ?

  1. Form 25.
  2. Registration certificate
  3. Road tax clearance proof
  4. Fee of Rs.25/-

Usable Document