BJP vs AAP is a battle of two political imaginaries — one of identity and the other, politics of infrastructure

BJP vs AAP is a battle of two political imaginaries — one of identity and the other, politics of infrastructure

The AAP is a relatively new political force. It is not clear if the AAP actually conforms to the structure of a traditional political party and can therefore be seen as a formation equivalent to a BJP or a Congress.

The 2020 Delhi elections consist of two political imaginaries locked in battle. One, spearheaded by the BJP, is a political imaginary driven by ideology. The other, spearheaded by the AAP, is decidedly post-ideological. The former grounds itself in identity — Hindu, Muslim, Indian, Pakistani. The latter simply side steps the identity question. The former talks of citizenship, nationalism, terror, sacrifice. The latter talks of water, electricity and parent-teachers’ meetings!

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